Workload Automation Software

Central, cross-system control for on-premise, hybrid and cloud: installation and GUI seamlessly integrated in  SAP S/4 HANA and RISE with SAP certified

Hybrid Business Process Automation and Monitoring for SAP and nonSAP

BatchMan stands for process automation directly from within SAP ECC, S/4 HANA and RISE with SAP: Our system runs in the ABAP stack, the core of each SAP System, and safely and flexibly controls all SAP processes and nonSAP processes. In the process, BatchMan integrates itself perfectly into the existing landscape without requiring separate hardware or software.

Why BatchMan Workload Automation?

Automate and monitor your business processes for SAP and nonSAP from a single point of control. BatchMan takes over your background processes for all SAP and nonSAP systems and ensures that your business processes are optimized efficiently, securely, and conservatively. By swiftly processing jobs and smoothly integrating with the SAP Standard system, BatchMan is your optimal solution.

Up to 80% faster processing of background processes. Everything automated in real time.

Almost complete reduction of manual interventions. Repetitive tasks no longer cost you time.

Quick installation and deployment: ready for use within one day. 

Process control through monitoring and alerting. Everything always at a glance.


Error reduction through extensive job checking. The software does it for you.

Graphic and text for infographic: 10 reasons for BatchMan

From complexity to control: 10 reasons for BatchMan Workload Automation

Central Automation of Business Processes in SAP S/4HANA

Digital transformation requires a technical rethinking. Issues such as how to migrate on-premise to cloud applications and how hybrid landscapes can be integrated are the biggest challenges for a company’s IT. It requires a cross-control between the different interfaces. Our product BatchMan is SAP S/4HANA certified and enables the hybrid systems of all SAP and nonSAP systems to be controlled centrally from S/4HANA.

Reduce the complexity of scheduling your critical SAP jobs. Job Automation with BatchMan automates and monitors your processes beyond traditional job scheduling. All connected SAP systems as well as nonSAP systems and cloud applications are controlled centrally from within SAP.

Central Control of Hybrid System Landscapes

Graphic BatchMan cross-system automation SAP S/4HANA
BatchMan cross-system automation in SAP S/4HANA
  • Complete SAP ABAP integration
  • Central planning, control & monitoring of cross-system processes in SAP ECC, S/4 HANA and RISE with SAP
  • Failover/switchover function for maintenance or failure
  • Completely integrated process documentation, also Solution Manager
  • File backup function, also for data transfers
  • Authorization Management by SAP Roles
  • Native integration of SAP systems
  • Single Point of Control, Single Point of Monitoring
  • Integration of nonSAP systems
  • Connecting SOAP services
  • Connecting REST APIs

BatchMan supports all Standard SAP Processes:

Material Requirements Planning

MRP optimization in the dispatch run (MD01) through integration in the overall process. Automated evaluation and alarms relieve your daily business.

BW Chains

Central execution of SAP BW chains and info packages. Integrated features like recovery for reliable operation.

Payment Run

Automated payment run (F110) and the adjustment of payment parameters. Full control also over the sub-processes.


Scheduling of actions on archiving objects (SARA) with integrated load balancing.

Dunning Run

Automated dunning run (F150) and adjustment of payment parameters.

Individual consultation and support

Return on investment (ROI) within a very short time

S/4HANA certified and tested

Additional Tools in BatchMan


Automatic import, monitoring and alerting of batch input sessions.


Automate processing of IDocs and react dynamically to errors.

Spool- and Logs

Evaluation of spools and job logs, alerting and dynamic process adaptation.

Multiprint to PDF

Combination, conversion and sending of spool processing 


IS-U Mass Activities

Automation and monitoring of mass activities such as billing runs.

Process Maintenance in BatchMan

Extensive options are available in job maintenance/process maintenance of BatchMan for defining criteria for scheduling and starting, calendars and resources.
Screenshot BatchMan process maintenance graphical view
BatchMan process maintenance graphical view

System-wide control over your job scheduling:

With BatchMan, you can combine any number of cross-system jobs into one single process. Using the graphical modeling or list view in BatchMan, you can design your processes to meet your needs exactly. Scheduled time reserves are now redundant because dependencies are kept as modeled. This way BatchMan smoothly integrates into the look & feel of SAP and its usability.

Consistent traceability of process changes:

BatchMan supports this by a separate change history and archiving and thus meets the criteria of modern compliance demands.
Screenshot HONICO BatchMan Prozesspflege Listenansicht
Process maintenance list view in BatchMan
Screenshot HONICO BatchMan Job Statistik Anzeige
BatchMan job statistics display

Always keep process overview, even in case of errors.:

BatchMan will tell you with alerts and will give you options to fix in the event of a malfunction. For instance, you can fix an error in the system automatically via recovery jobs. This way the subsequent process remains untouched. You can set the criteria for behaving in the event of an error already in process planning to avoid manual interventions.

BatchMan Monitoring

Monitoring in BatchMan gives you a complete overview of your planned processes at any time. You can use BatchMan Monitoring to modify your job planning, get detailed information or jump to the graphical view.
Screenshot Laptop HONICO BatchMan Monitoring Übersicht
BatchMan Monitoring Overview

Extensive options for reporting and mass changes:

Comprehensive reporting allows you to analyze your existing processes or to adjust them, as needed, using a mass change at any time.

You always have direct access to your process:

Keep an eye on your processes in real time in the BM monitor. You have the opportunity to change your processes directly or calling detail information (log, runtime ­information, etc.). Go to the graphical view to call detail information by drill down here. From the monitor, you can analyze, fix, confirm and comment on errors.
Screenshot HONICO BatchMan Monitoring Scheduling Vorschau
BatchMan Monitoring Scheduling Preview

More Information

Produktdatenblatt BatchMan Job Automation - Überblick Produktinformationen
BatchMan Product Datasheet
HONICO BatchMan Funktionsbeschreibung- nähere Produktinformationen zur Job Automation
BatchMan Functional Description

What our Customers say

“We use BatchMan as a highly automated tool and were thus able to reduce the manual and personnel effort to a minimum. If you can navigate a SAP system, you can also use BatchMan. We also use BatchMan as a central monitoring tool for our SAP jobs.”

A major German sports goods manufacturer

BatchMan is SAP certified

Logo SAP Certified Integration RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, NetWeaver

BatchMan is certified by SAP as an ABAP add-on for SAP NetWeaver,  Integration with SAP S/4HANA and RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud.