Viessmann Logo News

Viessmann reduces manual workload by half with BatchMan

Viessmann, a specialist in air conditioning technology, migrated from CA-7 to BatchMan 20 years ago. In the meantime, BatchMan controls the processes in SAP S/4HANA. Despite Viessmann’s company growth, the workload has been consistently reduced by half.

Rödl & Partner und Festool Migration von BMC Control-M zu BatchMan

Rödl & Partner migrates customer Festtool GmbH from BMC’s Control M to BatchMan

We welcome the traditional company Festool GmbH, manufacturer of high-quality power tools, as a new customer of our customer Rödl & Partner. The advantages of BatchMan to Control-M include the complete transparency of the processes within SAP, the possibility of own research and the transparency in the process flows themselves.

Gutenberg steuert sein gesamtes Endkundengeschäft mit BatchMan, gezeigt wird Brücke mit Kundenlogo

Gutenberg controls its entire customer business with BatchMan

“BatchMan has been the trusted batch control tool in our publishers‘ VI&VA and SAP® system environments for many years, helping us to run our VI&VA as a Service cloud solution efficiently.“
Clemens Wahlfeldt, Managing Director of GRZ. Find out more about the GRZ and BatchMan project in our success story!

Logo von der NBank Neukunde für BatchMan Prozessautomation

NBank opts for BatchMan Process Automation

With NBank, we have gained another customer from the group of conveyor banks who decided to automate their background processes with BatchMan. Read more and find out what NBank’s Project Manager says about our solution.