Flaggen bei der DSAG Messe als Zeichen für digitalen Wandel mit S/4HANA

HONICO Systems at the DSAG Technology Days 2018

The motto of the German-speaking SAP user group was ‘Preprogrammed for pre-thinking: Intelligent IT makes the difference’ and focused on the one hand like last year hybrid IT architectures and IoT applications, on the other hand the employee and junior talents in the IT industry.

Bild Messe und Symbol für IOT, HONICO auf der E-World

HONICO at the E-World Energy Trade Conference 2018 in Essen

As a visitor at E-World, HONICO Systems introduced its solution in the automation of IS mass activities. Of particular interest was automated billing (EA38 – EA26 – EA29) as an integrated process. E-World, Europe’s leading energy exhibition, was all about smart metering and other Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

Logo von BatchMan SAP NetWeaver Zertifizierung

Re-Certification BatchMan 5.0 Powered by SAP NetWeaver®

We are happy to announce that our product BatchMan 5.0 has achieved its SAP re-certification as powered by the SAP NetWeaver® technology platform. The solution integrates with SAP NetWeaver and fully automates and monitors processes in the SAP and nonSAP landscape with Single Point of Control.

Emmi Success Story

Success Story Emmi and BatchMan

Capacity bottlenecks and error messages in job control? When introducing the SAP business software, Emmi, a leading Swiss milk processor, decided to implement its successful job automation with BatchMan.