Looking for a cost-effective alternative to Redwood SAP BPA?

The way out: migrate to reliable, scalable Workload Automation

The support for Redwood SAP BPA (Business Process Automation) will expire in 2024. This means that the BPA product is end-of-life. Take the opportunity and switch to the cost-effective alternative of the HONICO SAP experts. Our product BatchMan acts directly in the core of SAP with the native SAP GUI.

Thanks to our low-code drag & drop editor, handling is simple and does not require long consulting or training time. Automate business processes like the MRP run or the SAP payment run and reduce manual tasks to a minimum. We have already migrated many projects that are successfully in use at our customers.

Product Comparison

  SAP CPS / BPA HONICO Automation
Scheduling SAP jobs
Monosystem Process Chains in SAP Systems
Basis Load Balancing (queues only)
Multi-system process chains
Display and monitoring of child jobs
Complex load balancing
time zone treatment
Dynamic mass activities
Variant automation (TVARV)
Automated archiving (SARA)
Kunde Infraserv Honico Systems GmbH

Migrating from SAP CPS by Redwood to HONICO BatchMan enabled Infraserv Höchst to reduce manual activities by 40 %.

Today’s workload is essentially limited to data maintenance and daily monitoring of runs, with automated tickets opened in the ticket system in the event of critical data errors.

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    More Information

    Produktdatenblatt BatchMan Job Automation - Überblick Produktinformationen
    BatchMan Product Datasheet
    HONICO BatchMan Funktionsbeschreibung- nähere Produktinformationen zur Job Automation
    BatchMan Functional Description