SAP License Audit Defense - facing an SAP audit with confidence
Does your annual SAP system measurement or SAP license audit take time and tie up valuable resources? We can help you prepare for the SAP license audit with Dynamic License Control!
Efficiency through automation, rule sets tailored to your specific needs
The annual SAP system measurement involves considerable effort and uncertainty. We take care of this process for you – from preparation to the final handover to SAP. With our expertise, we optimize your license costs and ensure compliance so that you can concentrate fully on your core business.
On average, our Audit Defense achieves 40% time savings – time that you can use more sensibly.
Efficient and risk-free SAP system measurement - we do it for you!
Look forward to SAP software audits with confidence. Discover license risks before SAP does. A license measurement involves risks, requires in-depth expertise and ties up valuable resources. Even small errors can have major financial consequences. Our service relieves you of this burden while ensuring compliance and cost optimization.
Our 5-step service approach:
Data analysis: Recording and analysis of current license usage and allocation.
Compliance check: Comparison of the recorded data with the contractual license conditions to identify deviations.
Optimization: Adjust license allocation based on analysis results to ensure optimal usage.
Reporting: Automated generation of reports for internal purposes and for submission to SAP during the audit.
Continuous monitoring: Ongoing monitoring of license usage to minimize future compliance risks (warning functions).
Basic audit vs. extended audit: an overview
SAP conducts systematic license audits or system measurements to compare the software usage of its customers with the licenses granted to them. There are two types of audits: the basic audit and the enhanced audit.
The basic audit usually takes place annually, while the enhanced, more comprehensive audit is carried out less frequently, but is often used as a “decision-making aid”, especially in times of RISE.
SAP audit challenges
- Incorrect user classifications
- Licensing of indirect access
- Unclear requirements for engine licenses
- Different license terms for the same SAP programs
- Incorrect allocation between active and authorized use
Minimize risks and optimize your license costs. Contact us - we will make your SAP audit efficient and secure!
- Detailed preparation for SAP system measurement
- Mitigation of compliance risks and financial penalties.
- Ensure correct SAP license allocation.
- Optimized audit process with expert guidance
- Recommendations for action
- Can licenses be returned / exchanged?
- Can maintenance contracts be reduced?
- Can sublicensing be reduced through organizational and/or technical changes?
- How can relicensing be carried out cost-effectively?